straight off
英 [streɪt ɒf]
美 [streɪt ɔːf]
网络 直接; 立即
- without delay or hesitation
- he answered immediately
- found an answer straightaway
- an official accused of dishonesty should be suspended forthwith
- Come here now!
- A drastic easing is now required to prevent the EM economies diving straight off the rails.
眼下,新兴市场经济体需要大幅放松政策,来避免经济脱轨。 - All these questions confused the boy and he was afraid so he didn't tell him the true answer straight off.
这些问题难住了小伙。由于害怕,他没有直接说出真相。 - I'd take my suit with me and walk straight off the golf course which we have got in Chester.
我会带上高尔夫装备径直走向我在切斯特的高尔夫球场。 - The US is unlikely to fall straight off the fiscal cliff.
美国不太可能直接从“财政悬崖”上摔下来。 - He knew straight off that I was a newcomer.
他一看就知道我是一个新来的人。 - Don't try to win it straight off.
不要尝试很快的获胜。 - Nikolay took a posting carriage, and making his quartermaster get in beside him, galloped straight off from the governor's to the gentleman with the stud of fine horses twenty versts away.
省长和他告辞时说。一离开省长那里,尼古拉随即雇了一辆驿车,带上司务长乘车直奔二十俄里外的地主养马场。 - Pull plastic sleeve straight off the joint flange.
径直将塑料套管从连接法兰中拔下。 - And you can march straight off and join the British army.
你可以直接出去,混进英国人中。 - If the ball comes straight off your strings from the baseline, you might as well start walking to the net to retrieve your ball.